Reusing and recycling industrial water can reduce the load on our water resources and avoid the need to discharge it to the sewer and/or environment. Referring to the critical conditions of water resources in the world and especially in our country, as well as pollution of groundwater and rivers, recycling of wastewater is assumed to be very vital. Aligned with this, Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) and Minimal Liquid Discharge (MLD) systems have recived increasing polularity as efficient solutions to eliminate effluents and reuse water from industrial processes, desalination plants, and municipal wastewater treatment plants.
Gachsaran MLD and ZLD Plant
Capacity: 250 m3/hr
Treatment Method: MLD : HighTech Softening, UF, Selfcleaning, Primery RO, High effeciency RO, Dewatering
ZLD : Multipple Effect Evaporator, Cristalyzer, Dryer
Ilam ZLD Plant
Capacity: 40 m3/hr
Treatment Method: MLD : HighTech Softening, UF, Selfcleaning, Primery RO, High effeciency RO, Dewatering
ZLD : Multipple Effect Evaporator, Cristalyzer, Dryer
Esfahan Refinery MLD Plant
Capacity: 450 m3/hr
Treatment Method: MLD : High-Tech Softening, , CCRO Technology
In the equipment supply and procurement, this has close commercial deals with internationally approved and popular manufacturers across the Europe for valves, control system, pumps and etc., as per the industry requirements. Shafab is proud of continuous development in its engineers’ knowledge through endless training aiming to expand the R&D sector’s expertise. At the same time, these activities are supported with technical interaction with international R&D centers across the world which has made us the bests.